Rock Climbing Evo Rings 3D Hangboard

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Ucraft Rock Climbing EVO Rings 3D Hangboard. Light Portable Wooden Training Fingerboard.


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Rock Climbing Evo Rings 3D Hangboard

Now you can continue your training anywhere as you carry your fingerboard with you. We have added all possible features to fulfil most exercising facilities. There are 12 types of crimps, adjustable-angle slopers and 2 styles of pinches, as well as anatomically correct pull-up grips.

★ DESIGNED BY CLIMBERS for climbers. The most advanced portable hangboard on the market. It's universal, light, small, and wooden (birch wood, hand-made with 3-step fine sanding).

★ VERSATILE A universal training tool. There are 12 types of crimps, adjustable-angle slopers and 2 styles of pinches, as well as anatomically correct pull-up grips.

★ PORTABLE There is no need for a special place to exercise, any bar or branch will work. Hang the adjustable rope almost anywhere to create a comfortable training gym.

★ SMALL AND LIGHT This pair of hangboards weigh just over 12 OZ or 350 gms (about one can of soda). The product was developed to be as light and small as possible to reduce weight and bulk while traveling, allowing the user to continue training on the go.

★ WOODEN Why is wood the best material for hangboards? It's light and durable, gentle on your skin, natural, absorbs sweat, doesn't get slippery.

Ucraft eVo rings

UCraft eVo rings


30 weeks pull-up challenge

UCraft eVo rings

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